The, legal or regulatory, ability recognized by public authorities to a person, to act as he wants and to enjoy of some benefits is the foundation of having rights. That means that people have the ability to use their judgement in order to make a choice and to do something freely according to their decision. Women’s fight for equality of the right made mark on human being history. Feminist activist organization appear across our history and contribute to improvement of women’s status, especially in western countries. Today, women can have an access to education, to work, to vote and can freely make their own decision about their bodies. Free from reproduction or conjugal pressure, they can choose their own sex life, be looking for pleasure and enhance their sexual sensation by many ways. Among these ways, there is pubic hair removal. Indeed, some scientific reviews revealed that this practice can significantly influence women sexuality…
Pubic hair removal: Just to feel cleaner…
From Ancient Egypt to Rome including Middle Eastern, Africa and Greece, pubic hair removal is an habit in women hygienic routine. Being purified of all hairs, was the sign distinguishing them from animals and made her bodies more attractive. The expansion of the practice worldwide, especially in Western countries, occurs during 20th century after the apparition of the first swimsuit. Classic, indent, Brazilian, metro ticket, personalized or integral, waxed bikini became unavoidable and a seduction tool.
Pubic hair removal: Just to feel more feminine and sexier…
Wherever women come from, most of them are one thing in common: the desire to be gorgeous and desirable. Between 2012 and 2015, pubic hair removal psychological and sociologic effect on her was evaluate. In Australia, 235 women participate to a questionnaire about why they groom their pubis. Results show that participant feel sexier and more attractive with waxed bikini. Same observation in USA, 2453 women daily answered to questions online during 5 weeks. Among her, 57,5 % take care of her intimate part. According to analyses, pubic hair removal is significantly associated to active sex life.
Pubic hair removal: Just to intensify sensations during sex…
Feel more pleasure to reach seventh heaven is completely human. This criterion was taken in consideration for some scientific studies, especially the improvement of sensations during sex for waxed women. Scott M. Buttler and colleagues including Dr Debby Herbenick, scientist, sexual educator, sex columnist for « Time out Chicago » newspaper, studied sex lives of 671 women. Among this group, 82% remove their pubic hair. Most of them report feeling more well-being during sex with waxed bikini. Other scientist indicate that some women want to increase sexual sensation thanks to their bikini waxed.
Thanks to sexual liberation, women can choose the sex life who suits the best to her, to explore it and to glorify it. According to some women experience, pubic hair removal allows them to enhance their sensation and so to feel more pleasure during sex.
Butler SM, Smith NK, Collazo E, Caltabiano L, Herbenick D., Pubic hair preferences, reasons for removal, and associated genital symptoms: comparisons between men and women, J Sex Med. 2015 Jan;12(1):48-58.
DeMaria AL, Berenson AB., Prevalence and correlates of pubic hair grooming among low-income Hispanic, Black, and White women, Body Image. 2013 Mar;10(2):226-31.
Herbenick D, Hensel D, Smith NK, Schick V, Reece M, Sanders SA, Fortenberry JD., Pubic hair removal and sexual behavior: findings from a prospective daily diary study of sexually active women in the United States, J Sex Med. 2013 Mar;10(3):678-85.
Mouvements ; Misère, répression et libération sexuelles, Alain Giami, la découverte, 2002/2